We Are Family

Learn Haitian Creole: We Are Family
Learn Haitian Creole: We Are Family

Haitian Creole is a unique language that mixes the suave fluidity of French with the pleasing inflections of African. The result is a punchy, to-the-point, and awkwardly French-sounding language that’s fun to use. As part of the learning process, our second chapter, entitled “We Are Family,” revolves around familial relationships and ways of describing them in Creole. This is where you’ll be learning how to say you’re someone’s daughter or inquiring about the family relationship between two people.

As for specific grammar goals, you’ll learn how to show possession in Creole, learn more about yes/no questions, and gain a deeper understanding of the present progressive tense using the tense marker “ap.” With Creole Tutors, the learning process becomes intuitive, flexible, and efficient. Our teaching methods will put you in dynamic conversational contexts where you need to speak your way to the finish line!

Our Creole Tutors Will Help You Learn Basic Haitian Creole Conversation And Grammar

In today’s chapter, we’re not learning just any conversation and grammar lessons. We’re learning more about familial relationships, describing our relationship to someone, and introducing someone else as a family member. This means you’ll learn how to show possession and ask yes/no questions. We’ll take you through quizzes, reviews, voice comparisons, pronunciation practice, and dynamic conversation exercises. As you go through the chapter, it’ll feel like a wonderful journey to learn valuable and fun things.

With our tutors helping you, learning Creole will become an enjoyable activity that elevates your mood instantly. The topics we’ll approach in this chapter are valuable for any language, especially Haitian Creole. As it stands, the Haitian Creole community is very tight and friendly, so familial relationships-related language is even more important. What’s more, this is a great way to continue a conversation once you’ve started one. Or you can start one by introducing the young fellow beside you as your brother. And onwards we go with the conversation from there!

Effective Teaching Methods To Learn Creole Faster With Creole Tutors

There are two ways of learning Creole – the old, traditional way of rote-learning and boring memorization, or the Creole Tutors way. We employ a conversational-based methodology that lets you obtain direct experience from dynamic exercises. Creole is best learned by speaking it and putting your newly-learned skills into action. That’s also where you polish your errors the fastest.

Creole Tutors uses critical-thinking exercises to help you understand theory faster and more efficiently. By committing more cerebral resources to a task, your brain understands that the task is essential, so it’ll remember it better. That’s why critical thinking exercises are so good! With memory-building activities spread around the course, it’ll be even easier to commit the theory to your long-term memory.

Other teaching methods used include grammar notes and cultural notes. The former will help you understand the grammatical structure behind a sentence, boosting your overall understanding of the language. As for the latter, it shifts the learning process into an actionable and realistic one by including cultural context to what you learn. Such as when you use certain words to express an idea in a specific social circumstance, while other circumstances would have you use different words to express the same idea.

Many of our exercises promote passive learning through dynamic activities. We combine the two perspectives into a perfectly flexible and efficient method. Our tutors are always available to test your linguistic proficiency and point our errors, so feel free to engage in a conversation at any time! After all, how else will you polish your skills if not through the fiery crucible of live conversations?

Creole Tutors will help you learn Haitian Creole better and faster than anyone else!