Haitian Creole

Learning Haitian Creole Can Boost Your Cultural Knowledge

Learning Haitian Creole Can Boost Your Cultural Knowledge

Learning another language is a process of gaining knowledge that leaves you an improved version of yourself. You know something that you didn’t before. But learning Haitian Creole will boost your cultural knowledge and offer some pretty good professional, social, and cultural opportunities. You’ll get to understand more about the country and the people of

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10 Haitian Creole Proverbs & Expressions To Add To Your Vocabulary

10 Haitian Creole Proverbs & Expressions To Add To Your Vocabulary

Figurative speech is among the last things you learn while acquiring a new language. However, it’s a very important skill if you want to reach fluency. Every language makes use of figurative speech, and Haitian Creole is no exception. You’ll most often encounter figurative speech in Haitian proverbs and common expressions. So, why not improve

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