How Can You Become a Haitian Creole Tutor

How Can You Become a Haitian Creole Tutor

Are you a Haitian Creole speaker and you’d like to teach others the language? You’re in the right place! Creole Tutors makes this process very simple. Just send us your application, create a tutor account, and wait for us to approve your account. We’ll review your CV, assess your linguistic knowledge, and give you the green light. Keep reading to find out more about becoming a Haitian Creole tutor!

Why Become a Haitian Creole Tutor?

Well, because it’s a good job. With Creole Tutors, all our tutors work from home, over Zoom. You won’t need to come to a physical location because there’s no such thing. The courses are also scheduled based on your preferences. You can take some days off whenever you feel you’re not up for it. Plus, this is a reasonably-paid job that’ll give you a lot of future professional prospects.

If you’re good at something, why not monetize it? You’d think that simply knowing a language doesn’t qualify you to become a tutor. While that’s true, somewhat, it doesn’t stop you from becoming qualified. If you’re a native Haitian, then you must know Haitian Creole perfectly. Why not use that knowledge to teach others and make a profit in the meantime?

Creole Tutors offers you the platform to do just that. Our courses are split into group sessions and one-on-one sessions. So, occasionally, single students will be assigned to you. We have plenty of online resources to help you understand what we’re all about. These should be enough to get you started and to understand what type of services we offer, as well as our expectations for our tutors.

What Will You Teach the Students?

When we hire new tutors, we like to explain what they’ll be teaching the students. In short, we have four courses:

  • Grammar
  • Culture
  • Vocabulary
  • Pronunciation

These four courses will be the cornerstones of your curriculum, and we have plenty of materials ready to be used. Moreover, we have four study units where we’ll apply these course sections. The study units are:

  • People – Greetings and conversing with other people
  • Travel – Asking for directions and clarifying locations
  • Activities – Conversations about sports and other activities
  • Places – Converse about familiar or unknown places where you can go

The Grammar, Culture, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation courses will apply to all of these study units. If you’ve taught students before, you won’t have any problems adapting to this curriculum. It’s pretty similar to what is being taught in schools, only a bit more personalized.

Pros and Cons of Being a Tutor

There are good things and there are bad things about being a tutor. It all boils down to one question – do you like working with children or teens? Because these will make up the vast majority of your students. If you do, then you’re already halfway there. You also need to understand that you won’t have stable schedules all the time. The courses may change and be delayed unexpectedly.

With Creole Tutors, you get a guarantee that, as long as you perform well, you’ll have a great time here. Your job will be secure and you won’t need to deal with professional instability or insecurity. If you’re interested in becoming a tutor and you’ve analyzed the pros and cons of being a Haitian Creole tutor, contact us!

Send us an email or send your application through our platform, and create a tutor account. We’ll analyze your application and decide whether you’re a good fit for us or not. Most of our tutors found us independently and applied for a position, and here we are now. We have a steady flow of students too, so you won’t ever be without work!

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