Why Is Haitian Creole a Great Language to Learn in 2022

Why Is Haitian Creole a Great Language to Learn in 2022

This year, you have many more reasons to start learning Haitian Creole because when has technology been more advanced. Information is always at your fingertips with the internet, and you can learn a language from anywhere. Even online courses have become more and more advanced recently. The Covid pandemic didn’t only bring chaos to the world, apparently.

Read below for several reasons why learning Haitian Creole is a great idea in 2022!

It’s Great for Your Resume

Bilingualism has always looked good on a resume. The more languages you know, the more useful you tend to be to an employer. Your professional possibilities are more varied and, thus, you’re on a higher competitive level. Learning Haitian Creole will put you at the forefront of top employee picks for Haitian-focused companies. This year, many such companies have surfaced after years of hard efforts.

Not only that but learning Haitian Creole can be done from anywhere. You don’t necessarily have to invest huge sums of money to learn the language. Aside from hiring a tutor, you can practice anywhere with phone flashcards or quick info from Google. Nowadays, even tutors have implemented online courses for students who are far away. CreoleTutors offers solely online courses for learning Haitian Creole!

It Connects You to Your Heritage

Are you of Haitian descent? Then you might want to polish your Haitian Creole skills because you have a wonderful history and culture. Even if you’ve never been to Haiti, there’s no reason you shouldn’t explore your cultural heritage. Learning Haitian Creole is the first step towards that goal, though.

If you want to understand how Haiti came to be, its sociocultural plights, and its historical depth, then you can’t do it without knowing Haitian Creole. Doing this will also make it easier to speak to other Haitians because it shows you care. Speaking in the native tongue will raise your image in their eyes and make them open to you!

You’ll Discover a New Side of You

Many people who are learning another language say that they feel, speak, and act differently in another language than their native tongue. There are subtle personality changes that come with speaking another language. Things you wouldn’t normally say in your native tongue come naturally when speaking another language like Haitian Creole.

Haitians are also very jovial and spirited, which means their language is infused with the same air of optimistic spiritedness. You may discover your more jovial personality when speaking Haitian Creole, and this may turn into a journey of self-discovery. After all, learning a new language also widens your perspective on human communication.

It’s Very Easy to Learn It

Haitian Creole ranks as one of the easiest languages to learn, especially if you know French. The grammar, syntax, and vocabulary of Haitian Creole are quite easy when compared to other languages. Take English, for instance. Its grammar and syntactic rules are among the hardest to learn but Haitian Creole is far from that.

Even a complete beginner will understand the rules within a few days and become a fluent speaker in a couple of months. If you know French, it’ll be like achieving twice the results with half the effort, no less. With all of these reasons to learn Haitian Creole, the question is “Why wouldn’t you learn it?”.

If you were thinking about learning a new language, why not Haitian Creole? 2021 has been a great year for Haitian Creole businesses, and 2022 has the making of greatness yet again. We, at CreoleTutors, can help you get started on learning this wonderful language. Our online Zoom courses will teach you all about Haitian Creole quickly and efficiently!

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